I don’t know about you, but every time I travel with friends, I end up going home without my iPhone charger. Nowadays, iPhones are more numerous than bed bugs so it is not unexpected that charger mix-ups and mishaps happen once in a while.
If this annoys you as much as it does me (especially when I end up coming home with a frazzled iPhone cord when mine was in pristine condition) you should customize yours.
Glitter, paint, nail polish, or sharpie make excellent DIY iPhone charger customizers. Using a more unique looking iPhone charger will also help you remember to grab it when you are in a mad dash to check out of a hotel in 10 minutes and the guy you picked up at 4 AM is still snoring beside you.
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GREAT, thanks Gary, now my friend is going to want me to make one for her. LOL (actually not a bad idea)
I love this!! What did you use on the charger in the photo?