
10 Foods for Higher Sperm Count

Written by andy

10 Foods for Higher Sperm Count to Eat Now

If you are trying to get pregnant, increasing your partner’s sperm count is one of the best things you can do. It’s fertility roulette out there, and more sperm = higher chances of conception. Try eating these foods for higher sperm count:

  • Eggs — Thanks to the protein and Vitamin E in eggs, you can give your body the nutrients it needs to produce more sperm. The Vitamin E also acts as an antioxidant that will protect your sperm (and the testicles that produce them) from free radical damage.
  • Chocolate –– Not milk or white chocolate, but the dark, unsweetened stuff! Dark chocolate contains an amino acid called L-arginine, which can help to not only increase the volume of your semen production, but can strengthen the muscles that contract during orgasm. Can you say “better, harder orgasms”? It’s all thanks to the dark chocolate! Note: Just stick with a few SMALL servings per week. Weight gain is the enemy of healthy reproductive function.
  • Spinach –– Time to eat those leafy greens! All leafy greens (but spinach, in particular) are packed with folic acid, which is needed to have healthy sperm. Low levels of folic acid can increase your risk of chromosomal anomalies and malformed sperm. This makes it harder to conceive and raises your risk of birth defects. Get more folic acid!
  • Oysters –– Oysters are more than just a powerful aphrodisiac; they’re also rich in the mineral zinc. Zinc will boost your metabolism, increase blood flow to your “happy fun time” parts, and raise testosterone levels. More testosterone means more energy, healthier reproduction, and better sperm count.
  • Garlic –­- While bad breath may drive women away, the health benefits of garlic outweigh the downsides. Garlic contains antioxidants and minerals that help to increase circulation to the genitals, as well as increase both semen volume and sperm count.

READ MORE: Semen: The Facts

  • Bananas –– These fruits are packed with potassium, which is needed for healthy circulation. The more blood that can flow to your “man parts”, the better. Bananas also contain bromelain, a libido-boosting nutrient that can increase your stamina and improve the quality of your sex.
  • Carrots –– Carrots are packed with Vitamin A, a nutrient that plays an important role in the production of sperm. Not only with beta-carotene help your body to produce sperm, but it will increase sperm motility (its ability to travel and fertilize the egg). The more Vitamin A you get in your diet, the better!
  • Walnuts –– Walnuts (like all nuts) are packed with healthy fatty acids, specifically Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s  can improve circulation in your body, and will increase your sperm count effectively.
  • Asparagus –– The Vitamin C in asparagus will do wonders for your immune health, but it will also reduce the risk of oxidative damage to the sperm cells. Eating more Vitamin C can ensure that you always have a high sperm count, no matter how frequently you have sex.
  • Goji berries –– These little berries are definitely a superfood you want to add to your menu! They are a mood-booster, and they will help to get you feeling happy and in the mood for some lovin’. They also help to balance testicular temperature, preventing your scrotum from getting too hot for healthy sperm production. By reducing testicular temperature, you can ensure that your testicles can produce the right amount of healthy sperm.

If you want to increase your chances of conception, try these foods for higher sperm count!

About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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