Adult Health Food Mom Health

10 Health Benefits of Beer

Written by andy

10 health benefits of beer that’ll make you want to grab a pint tonight:

Beer is by far one of the most popular drinks in the world, particularly the Western world. From the bierhauses of Germany to the pubs of the UK to the bars in the US, beer is everywhere! Most people think that beer is bad for your health, and the truth is that beer consumed in excess can lead to problems like weight gain and liver disease. However, there are a few health benefits of beer, particularly when consumed in moderation.

Here are the top health benefits of beer for you:

  1. It’s heart-friendly —  Wine isn’t the only heart-smart alcohol to drink, but beer gets a spot on the list as well! A study conducted in Italy found that people who drink beer were 42% less likely to suffer heart disease than those who did not consume beer. The optimum beer intake for a healthy heart hovers around 1 pint, so stick with just 1 beer a day!
  2. It strengthens your bones –– Did you know that drinking beer can give you stronger bones? Beer contains silica, a mineral that your body uses to increase bone density. Silica works alongside calcium to keep your bones tough and hardy, so drink a beer a day for stronger bones.
  3. It can reduce diabetes risk — Drinking beer is a great way to reduce diabetes, or so a Dutch study discovered. More than 38,000 men were examined to determine whether or not beer could help to reduce diabetes risk, and the study found that men who drank moderately (no more than 8 beers per week) had a much lower chance of developing diabetes.
  4. It provides B Vitamins — B vitamins play an important role in a lot of vital body functions, including your metabolism, cell division, etc. Beer contains a lot of B vitamins, particularly Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12.
  5. It improves kidney health –– A Finnish study discovered that drinking a bottle of beer every day can help to reduce your risk of kidney stones by up to 40%! What the link between beer and healthy kidneys is researchers still don’t know, but suffice it to say you now have an excuse to drink more beer!

READ MORE: Belgian City to Build Beer Pipeline

  1. It can reduce blood clots — Beer contains special nutrients that help to reduce the risk of blood clots forming in your arteries. Considering that blood clots lead to heart attacks and strokes, this is a GREAT thing!
  2. It can help you recover post-workout — A study conducted in Spain involved people drinking beer after an intense workout. People who drank beer were actually more effectively rehydrated than the participants who drank water. Say what?!
  3. It can fight stress –– The University of Montreal conducted a study into the effects of beer on stress, and found that two glass of beer per day were effective at reducing levels of anxiety and stress. That’s JUST two glasses!
  4. It improves eye health –– It may sound odd, but it turns out that beer is great for your eyes! Canadian researchers discovered that drinking one stout or lager per day boosts the levels of antioxidants in the human body, reducing the macular degeneration that leads to the formation of cataracts. However, more than three drinks per day has the OPPOSITE effect!
  5. It fights infection — Turns out beer is a great immunity booster as well! A study conducted in the Oregon Health & Science University discovered that a drink or two every day can protect against infections and disease. Drink too much, however, and the results are the opposite.



About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.


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