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11 Unusual Vegetables You’ve Never Heard Of

Written by andy

If you thought the regular veggies were odd…

Many people have a hard time eating their fruits and veggies, often because they look or taste a bit odd. But those are just the vegetables you’re familiar with! Check out the list of freaky-looking veggies below to discover some of the most unusual–and AMAZING–vegetables you’ve probably never heard of…

  1. Oca — The Oca root originated in the Andes Mountains of Peru, but they were introduced to New Zealand in the 1800s–hence the name “the New Zealand yam”. They’re very popular in South America (second only to the potato in many regions), and are surprisingly healthy–rich in iron, potassium, and Vitamin C. They’re a bit sweeter than potatoes, and have an almost apricot flavor.
  2. Kohlrabi —  In the same family as wild cabbage, the kohlrabi plant is considered one of the world’s “150 healthiest foods”. It’s hugely popular in India, as it can be made into fries, a salad, and even celery-like sticks.
  3. Tiger Nuts –– These are technically tubers, not nuts, and they come from the chufa sedge plant. Originating in Egypt but now popular in Southern Europe, these nuts are used to make a lactose-free, vegan-friendly, milk-like drink called “horchata”.
  4. Salsify — This plant is in the same family as the sunflower, but looks NOTHING like it! The root of the plant has medicinal properties, possibly even as a remedy for snake bites. It takes a bit like artichoke hearts, and can be found in Europe and the Near East.
  5. Samphire — Called by the odd name “sea asparagus”, this vegetable grows mainly in England and Western Europe. It is one of the few veggies that can grow along the rocky, salt-sprayed oceanside, and it makes a delicious side for fish dishes. As a bonus, it may even be a useful source of biodiesel!

READ MORE: Root Vegetable Tacos

  1. Kai-Lan — Also known as “Chinese broccoli”, this leafy green is very common in China and the Orient. It takes a lot like a mix between cabbage and broccoli, and contains many of the healthy nutrients from both. In fact, broccolini is a hybrid of Kai-Lan and broccoli.
  2. Romanesco ––  Talk about exotic! This spiky plant is a variety of cauliflower, but it looks like a fractal rather than a miniature tree. It’s a delicious source of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, carotenoids (antioxidants), and a LOT of healthy fiber!
  3. Celeriac — This European root vegetable makes a great alternative to potatoes during the winter, but is loaded with way more fiber. It is very low in starch, making it a low-carb root veggie that makes a great Atkins Diet-friendly mash.
  4. Sunchoke — Also known by the name “the Jerusalem artichoke”, the sunchoke is a vegetable that is native to North America, NOT the Middle East. It is used to make alcohol, as the fermented sunchoke is supposed to be better than the stuff made from sugar beets. It’s also a very low-starch tuber that makes a great alternative to potatoes.
  5. Nopales –­ The leaf of the Mexican cactus makes for a delicious addition to tacos and other Mexican dishes, but it is one of the healthiest foods in the country thanks to its high fiber content! Once the spines are sliced away, it’s a vegetarian-friendly alterative to meat!
  6. Manioc –– This South American root–also called the “cassava root”–is one of the best sources of carbs ON THE PLANET, feeding more than 502 million people around the world. It is resistant to drought, can grow in both tropical and subtropical zones, and is supremely delicious–albeit highly dangerous if not prepared properly!

About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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