A bike lane is being built that runs from Maine all the way to Florida.
In New York, bikers can be a real annoyance. Not only are they very pushy when it comes to the ‘rules of the road’, but they also tend to break all those rules, by riding on the sidewalk, and not obeying traffic lights and signs. That being said, I love a good bike ride, and I think it’s a really good alternative to getting in your car and killing our planet with harmful emissions.
The East Coast Greenway Alliance (ECGA) shares this sentiment, and has been working on a 3,000 mile bike lane that stretches all the way from Maine to Florida. So far they have built 850 miles worth of bike lane, and plan to finish another 200 by 2020.
READ MORE: Seven Crazy Bicycles for Hipsters and Surburbanites Alike
The cool thing about the project is that they aren’t funding it themselves, but instead working with local groups to do the work, which has the added advantages of local knowledge, and personal ownership of each stretch of bike lane. Must of the path consists of pre-existing paths and bridges, but Greenway is doing their part to bring all these stretches up to code.
The idea seems to be catching on, and in the past 6 years, Greenway’s budget has increased to $1 million a year. Some people donate money, some volunteer time, but the project as a whole is very focused on getting people involved, which makes it even better as a green initiative.
So whether or not you are a hardcore biker, I think you can agree that a bike path stretching down the coast of the US is a pretty great idea.