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5 Seeds with Huge Health Benefits

health benefits of seeds
Written by emilyc

The healthiest, tastiest seeds have been proven to easily improve your health. Here are our faves (and why they may be yours, too).

Turns out, good things really do come in small packages. In this case, the package is a seed, and the good things are disease prevention, weight management, energy boosters and heart health. If you’re not sure where to start, check out this helpful guide to some of our favorite science-backed healthy seeds.

And if you love this post, consider checking out the healthy recipes we have in our archives.

Health benefits of seeds, healthiest seeds to eat

Health benefits of seeds

1. Slim down with pomegranate seeds.

They’re brimming with antioxidants and fat-burning vitamin C. Looking for a fun way to eat them? Use them in place of jelly on a pb and j, or as a healthy addition to your fave Greek yogurt parfait.

Contemporary research demonstrates that pomegranate seeds exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and cardiovascular protective properties (Chen et al., 2023a). And obviously, these are all great things!

They’re a bit time-consuming and expensive to buy fresh, so feel free to use the cheaper, dried version to sprinkle into your fave dishes.

2. Get strong bones with chia seeds.

We already know chia seeds have several health benefits, but it’s worth focusing on their calcium content. Two tablespoons of chia seeds have as much calcium a slice of cheddar cheese! Plus, these fiber-and-protein-packed little wonders help keep things moving.

Seriously, if you’re constipated on the regular, adding two tablespoons of chia seeds to your favorite 8-ounce drink (water, juice, lemonade, smoothie or anything else) is the way to get things going in under 12 hours.

Our favorite cheap, organic chia seeds can be found here (and shipping is free).

3. Boost your energy with pumpkin seeds.

They are a good source of iron, which is key to high energy levels. They’re a healthy and delicious fall snack! And, if you live with pets or are outdoors a lot, you’re probably at risk for common parasites. Pumpkin seeds have been shown to have antiparasitic properties.

From a recent study, “The pumpkin-treated group showed a significant reduction in the mean number of adult worms (39.1 ± 28.9) and encysted larvae (102,000 ± 27,332.3) with a reduction percentage 78.75% and 64.18%, respectively compared to the infected untreated group (Fig. 2).”

4. Get a healthy heart with sesame seeds.

Studies have found that sesamin, the main active property in sesame seeds, has good antioxidant properties, cholesterol-lowering, lipid metabolism regulation, blood pressure stabilization and anti-tumor effects [].

Sounds like a great reason to add some tahini to your sandwich or salad today. Need an idea? This Aroma Jerusalem Salad recipe is the most delish place to start.

5. Prevent cancer with flax seeds.

They reduce disease-causing inflammation. Healthy tip: substitute three parts ground flaxseed for one part butter in baked goods.

Not sure where else to put ’em? Try this game-changing morning health shake for women that’s loaded with tasty ingredients, vegan protein powder and creatine.

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About the author


Emily is a New Yorker trapped in a Floridian's body and loves every minute of her big city life. With a major in international business and years of being surrounded by ill-fitting suits and all the wrong shoes, she learned that the importance of fashion needs to be communicated to the world. To her, fashion is on the same level as charity work and feeding hungry children. Emily can be found frolicking the streets of her gayborhood enjoying the off-color humor of the gays.

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