If you haven’t been living under a rock, you know that for the past few years, photos of full-figured mannequins have been making their rounds on the Internet like a broke stripper at a bachelor party in Fresno. It became something of an Internet sensation, starting with one photo published of a “real-size” mannequin from a department store in Sweden, and expanding to photos of full-figured mannequins from all over the world. SwedishMannequins.com was created to collect these photos and shed some light on the cause.
Still, I don’t know how I feel about it.
The whole idea of skinny in the fashion world is meant to draw people in based on their own insecurities. I get that mannequins are supposed to represent models, which are aspirationally thin. I understand that for 90% of the world, (not including some parts of Africa) it is impossible to obtain that body. Overall, I really like the idea of mannequins that look like regular women, but I am not sure if it will ever catch on because we have been so brain-washed to believe that being a size zero is the goal. Since I don’t have a vagina and don’t regularly shop for women’s panties, the issue isn’t very close to my heart, but I do wonder what real-size women really think of this. Are you offended that mannequins are normally a size two, or do you think its healthy to aspire to be something you aren’t?
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