There is one reason, and one reason only that I would ever visit Detroit; I hear they have some amazing abandoned buildings, and there is really nothing I love more than places that are haunted as Hell (including my bedroom, ask any of my ex-boyfriends).
Russian Artist Nikita Nomerz tried to distract the world from how much they hate Russia with this old church.
One of the coolest things an artist can do is take something ugly and shabby, and turn it into a work of art. These abandoned buildings were eyesores, until artists had the wherewithal to transform them into masterpieces. These abandoned structures are all over the world, but they have one thing in common; they all got a second chance to become something worth looking at.
An abandoned Paris nightclub called Les Baines Douches (teehee) becomes a chic art gallery.
Gallery owner Mehdi Ben Cheikh reclaimes a 10 story building in Paris with the help of 100 artists.
A Batman graffiti gallery is born in Belgium, thanks to street artist PETE ONE.
French artists Ella and Pitr (reminding me of girls who spell their name Ashlee), create random optical illusion murals all over run-down neighborhoods in France.
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