Research finds that the cure for stress is a glass box full of kittens.
I have never really been a cat person, but I am definitely a kitten person, especially a box of kittens person. Anyone who tells you that kittens aren’t cute is a damned liar. The truth is that there really is no such thing as an ugly kitten (unlike humans), and it really isn’t their fault that most of them grow up to be condescending assholes.
Living in New York, we are under a lot of stress on a daily basis, just based on the fact that we live in a city that is NEVER QUIET no matter what time of day it is, due to the millions of other people living on top of each other, trying desperately to follow their dreams.
READ MORE: Very Sexy Cats Prove Sexiness is for Everyone
So, if taking a ten minute break in the middle of a day to play with a kitten is what you need to keep from opening fire on your office, then I say more power to you.