The Blizzard of 2015 is upon us. If you’re lucky, it means a snow day, but it also means that you’ve got a lot of time to fill. If you haven’t already planned out the next 4 seasons of whatever Netflix series you’re going to watch, we’ve got a few ideas for you.
- Catalogue all of your wine. We’re talking labels, number coding, color coding, etc.
- Send letters to your best friends telling them how much you love them.
- Go sledding. Only if you have never been before. Otherwise, don’t even dare go outside.
- Do NOT look at the Instagrams of all your friends’ who live in California. You’ll thank us later.
- Catalogue your shoe collection. Maybe it’ll give you some hope for warmer weather.
- Online shop.
- Paint your nails.
- Think about backing up your computer but not actually do it.
- Catalogue your jewelry collection. Come on, don’t you want to be a little productive?
- Drink. Screw productivity.
- Excessively use the hashtag #blizzardof2015
- Update your LinkedIn.
- Actually wash your duvet cover.
- Throw out those underwear you shouldn’t be wearing anymore. You know the ones.
- Fail at a few Pinterest recipes.
- Repaint your nails.
- Call your mom. She deserves to know why you still don’t have a boyfriend.
- Blizzard-text your ex. It’s like drunk texting, but worse because you aren’t drunk.
- Pay your bills. Maybe.
- Rearrange your sock drawer.
- Instagram pictures of warm places.
- Do a few crunches.
- Read a book.
- Upload all of the pictures from your iPhone onto your computer.
- Swear a lot.
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