Ice Straws for your Summer Drink

Written by Shannon

Cold Drink Guaranteed


There have been times where I’ve been to parties and gotten a refreshing looking drink to cool me down from the harsh summer weather, only to find out that my drink is warm. Well never again will I or anyone have to suffer drinking a warm drink during the warm summer weather, all thanks to ice straws.

All you need to create the ultimate ice straw is the food-grade silicone ice tray. Once you have the tray, simply put the inner straws into the mold, fill the ice tray with water or juice, freeze in the freezer, and then you have ice straws that will keep you drink cold until the last slurp.

Via I New Idea.

About the author


Shannon is a 22-year-old Floridian currently studying PR at the University of South Florida. Her obsessions include: finding the newest fitness trend (currently Physique 57 DVDs), keeping up with the latest celebrity gossip, and her American Eagle stretch jeans. When she has some free time that doesn't include studying for one of her many exams, she enjoys hanging with her friends and family, going to Disney World, shopping, and eating good food. Follow her on twitter @ShannonDormer

1 Comment

  • This is cool (pun intended) but I get this image of a cold lampost and a tongue. Can’t you just see someone with one stuck to their tongue or lips.