I think MZ Wallace is an underrated designer, and I came across the designs through my always-trendy granny (again). After she told me that these bags were sold at the Museum of Art and Design, I went on the website to do some online browsing.
If you go on to the MZ Wallace site into the “Best Sellers” and “MZW Exclusive” categories, you will find a wide range of styles and models of the same basic bag. Wallace has created a nylon fabric bag with leather accents that comes in a plethora of sizes.
My favorite bag on the site is not a nylon bag, it’s linen and it is called the Jane Bag. This design is Wallace’s best-selling everyday bag that features six interior pockets, one large pocket, four cell-phone pockets, and one business card pocket. Not to mention that it is big enough to carry a 15″ laptop.
Each bag, whether it is nylon or linen, has enough pockets to pack up yours and your best friend’s everyday needs. Not to mention that the bags are extremely affordable at around $375.00; a huge difference in comparison to a Tory Burch tote.
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