HEALTH Mom Health

And Other Things That Are Inappropriate….

There are VERY few things in this world that shock me.  I’ve seen lots of weird stuff since writing for The Luxury Spot such as Sexlets, breath mints that supposedly make you hard; Pussy, the drink that actually has nothing to do with vagina; and the amazing 4- foot cupcake that Bryce and I are always dreaming about.  Now, thanks to the crazy world-wide-crazy factory brings us Bebe Gloton, the new doll/strap-on for kids to simulate breast feeding.

Back the frig up here.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Breast feeding.  For kids.  I wish I had a helmet before reading this because my brain literally exploded.  Sure there are a lot of weird toys out there (not the toys Lana plays with), but this one just really freaked me out.  Leave it to the Europeans to really milk it with inappropriateness (yes, pun intended).  This mind-fuck of a toy comes with a halter top that you would place the doll up to the nipple area and it simulates sucking. Then when it is finished, you burp it.  FML!! FML!!  I’ve written some weird stuff, but those two sentences were the weirdest ever.  Erasing it from my brain NOW.

The Spanish makers of this “toy” have been slammed with criticism citing that it “promotes the sexualization of young girls.”  Ugh.  I will leave it up to you to let me know what you think, because I think my thoughts on this are pretty freaking clear.

About the author


a native New Yorker with an enormous brain that's on a never-ending quest for high style, men with accents, and any place with a disco ball. Fastest way to her heart is a guy that loves sushi and knows the difference between "there," "their," and "they're."


  • Weird as hell! How do you find these things.
    Little girls everywhere are going to be scared out of their minds about growing up.

  • There is nothing sexual about breastfeeding. Ask any mother.
    Little girls already hold their baby dolls to their chest to feed “like mommy does”, this just makes the toy make noise when you do so.

  • Bio,

    You’re right. As a breastfeeding mother myself, I think it’s a natural part of life. However, children often act out real life by role playing, and what would you say if a 6 year old girl was nursing one of her friends on the playground? #notappropriate

  • What the hell do you think bottle feeding a baby doll is, but practicing parenting?? Little kids, boys and girls, pretend to breastfeed their dolls even without a special top. This post is filled with ignorance!! If you’re offended by a toy that promotes the most natural and loving way to feed a baby, maybe you should be offended by bottle-fed baby dolls, and baby dolls that pee and poop- Because those ”teach kid how to be a parent” as well. SMH

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