Even amidst all the chaos and bad press that Acapulco has received lately, I still love the place. If you’re a foreign tourist traveling to a resort or posh hotel anyway, it’s a great time to go to this hot getaway that’s considered the Hamptons to Mexico City. The upscale hotels are extremely safe, the food is excellent, the people are some of the friendliest I’ve ever encountered (and I’ve traveled the world extensively so that’s saying a lot), and the architecture will blow your mind. By far, my favorite modern hotel that I’ve seen anywhere in the world in the past 3-4 years is the Hotel Encanto in Acapulco. The pool area gives you a feeling of Mediterranean-meets-Miami while the interior is extremely modern. Guests are treated to posh rooms, complete with mini light shows (that’ll really put the romance in any trip for two), views to die for, and diligent service. It’s a wise idea to add Acapulco (and Hotel Encanto) to your list of travel ideas for Spring 2011- the rates are still comparatively cheap.
Another Reason to Love Acapulco
One of my fave spots in the world…