A bar inside a tree: this South African bar was built into a 6,000 year old tree, because humans are occasionally awesome.
There are a great many things I have done with trees. I have planted them, carved my initials into them, climbed them, had sex in them, and even slept in them (in a hammock, of course). I have never had a drink inside one, however. Many thanks to Sunland Big Baobab (yes, that is the name of the bar), though, because I may soon be getting wasted in a gigantic tree.
Built inside a tree that was carbon dated to be around 6,000 years old (did anyone out there even know that trees could be that old?!), Sunland Big Baobob has everything you would expect from a small pub— lots of liquor (some fancy, some of of the best cheap alcohol—and some totally disgusting) to plenty of seating and a dart board for the South African version of frat boys.
The tree has its own natural cellar to keep beer cool, and is so wide that it takes 40 adults with outstretched arms to encircle it. If getting smashed in the dark isn’t your thing, there are plenty of shady places to hang outside, and the surrounding areas can be rented for private events.
READ MORE: Burial Pods: Turn Into a Tree When You Die
If you ever find yourself in the Limpopo Province of South Africa and feel a thirst coming on, why wouldn’t you quench your need for a full liquor bar inside a tree that’s totally ancient? I literally can’t think of one reason not to. Get a refreshing watermelon schnapps drink and live your best life.