Beauty Blunder: Deodorant Streaks

Written by Ashley


Unless you’re a deodorant-free hippie, a streaky chalky wardrobe disaster has occurred to you at least once. You change quickly after work for a hot date and once you hit the streets… BAM! You check out your hot outfit to find a zebra streak of deodorant that warrants you a free pass to the zoo.

image via Getty

I sat down with my gal Kela Walker, Emmy nominated on-air personality & overall style vixen to get the scoop on what tricks she’s used to get camera ready with seconds to spare:

QUICK FIX use your tights or pop into the drugstore to buy some for a buck. Rub the area lightly to get rid of the gunk & use a clean area of rights to whisk the chalky reside away.

USE YOUR SURROUNDINGS Take a separate piece of sturdy material and vigorously scrub at spot, like a cloth napkin at a restaurant or the edge of your trench coat. I’ve also been known to rumble through my makeup kit until I find something that can scrub away the stain like an eyebrow brush/ comb.

THE BIG CONCEAL If all else fails, throw a scarf on or if residue is at the bottom of the dress, alter the hem by tucking it up with double stick tape, wig tape or safety pins.

Kela’s innovative methods have all worked for me, the notoriously rushed outfit changer. MY fool-proof tip? I’ve been carrying around the RESCUE SPONGE by Miss Oops while keeping one in my bathroom and my dresser drawer for a reminder to check my fabric before running our the door! It removes any wayward eyeshadow or residue from lotion with absolutely NO smudging or smearing. For only $10 they’re safe to use on any fabric and worth every streak-free penny. Thankfully, they’re now available at select Bed Bath & Beyond, most recently picked up in their Staten Island location (I’m not kidding) where we all know beauty blunders flourish. Pick one up, for the sake of all of us.

Disclosure: All products were provided for review. No monetary compensation was received for this review. All opinions belong to the author.

About the author


a fun-loving, twenty-something living in Brooklyn. She spends most of her time absorbing all the life, tofu and whiskey that NYC has to offer. Her current obsessions? BDG High-waisted leggings, vintage boot shopping in Williamsburg, Katherine Kwei's sling bag and Melanie Marie's two-finger horn ring.

1 Comment

  • No kidding I keep a pair of extra pantyhose in my purse and it does get rid of the streaks without making it stay on the hose. Also I keep a bounce dryer sheet I have 40 uses for them but one in the summer is to keep on my person in a pocket and no mosquito bites, in this weather when the windshield fogs up it works to prevent that, and after I use them a few times I save them to soak in a dirty dish pan over night- makes the sticky lasagna come right off! It has an anti stick property and it makes the grime come right off the pan to make for easy clean up. Works on cleaning an oven and nasty refrigerator as well.

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