5 Beauty Benefits of Chamomile Tea

Written by corey

Chamomile tea is great for your beauty routine.

While you usually drink your tea for a less than accelerated caffeine boost, it’s also great for its beauty benefits. It’s crazy how little we know about natural ingredients and their beauty benefits — for example, the use of coffee grounds for an exfoliant. However, chamomile tea is the best thing to use for these five beauty tips:

READ MORE: Natural Beauty Tips

1) Infused with great healing properties, chamomile tea accelerates the healing process of minor wounds and also disinfects the wounds.

2) Placing cooled down chamomile tea bags under the eyes can help reducing under-eye dark circles and eye puffiness. It also soothes your tired eyes.

3) It is a wonderful hair lightener. Using chamomile tea as final hair rinse adds a stunning bright-golden light to the brown hair. Use the treatment regularly to lighten your hair gradually.

4) Chamomile is also found to be highly effectual in preventing and eliminating dandruff. In addition, it also soothes irritated scalp.

5) When blended with powdered milk, chamomile tea provides you a great body and facial scrub. It sloughs off the dead, dry skin cells revealing the underlying cells which are new


About the author


Corey is a self-proclaimed heiress and the love child of Anne Boleyn and Marie Antoinette. He's a thug in a cocktail dress with a penchant for open-bars and puns. He has his barista's call him Beyonce and he's never been to Brooklyn.