Best New Job Announcement Ever via Facebook

Written by Bryce

Facebook is a sea of engagement, wedding, and baby announcements — but one creative woman decided to one-up the world with the best new job announcement of all time.

benita abraham

You are not alone if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the near constant stream of ring pics on Facebook and other social media sources. There’s a fine line between being excited about life and just a downright annoying lack of social media etiquette, and sometimes you just have to be happy to talk about other positive things in life. And yes, there are OTHER positive things in life outside of getting married or making new humans (those are legitimately wonderful too though).

READ MORE: This cat has a job, what’s your excuse?

Facebook user Benita Abraham used her wit and cheery attitude to prove just that, and put together a relatively extensive collage showcasing what we’re not afraid to name the best new job announcement ever. I mean, she got a job, and the economy is hardly perfect — so yay for that. But also, her job really SHOULD be in social media because this girl nailed it to the next level with her wryly positive outlook on Facebook interactions.

Her status, posted Sunday, simply states:

So excited to share my happy news with my FB family!

I finally found my soulmate, my perfect match, my boo. After 7 long months, I found the perfect job with a company that truly cares about its employees and one I will learn so much from.

#employed #myboo #loveatfirstinterview #LTR #careergrowth #perfectmatch #photoshoot #notjustforbabiesmarriagesandbirthdays #workin9to5

Kudos, Benita. You can see more of her ridiculously great images below, or the whole collection here.

Get all that job love, Benita.

Get all that job love, Benita.

God is so good.

God is so good.

Let's carpool forever because the HOV lane is fast and efficient and that's better than any ring

Let’s carpool forever because the HOV lane is fast and efficient and that’s better than any ring

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.