Celeb Travel Spotting: Airport Style We Love To Hate On

Looking fly at the airport ain’t easy.

Do you ever get really irked when you see some skank hoe at the airport rocking a mini skirt and done up hair for a 6am flight that you barely rolled out of bed in time for (much less thought about taming your tresses)? Well I do. I mean c’mon, it’s like a huge slap in the face to designer sweatpants and unkempt plane ponytails everywhere. Like, who does this biotch think she is? And why is she trying to outdo everyone?  Or, in the case of these celebs, WTF were they thinking when they got dressed in the morning? Do they not own a mirror? Or did they just not look in one before taking off?

Yikes! Here’s some celeb airport style we love to hate on:

1. Pamela Anderson leaves nothing to the imagination when she flies, but what’s new?

2. Hey look, we found Waldo! Oh, oops—that’s just Mischa Barton.

3. The Asian woman’s face in the background says it all. What up Snooki boobage!

4. Dear Kate Gosselin, if we were traveling with eight rugrats we wouldn’t have time to notice our heinous, prepubescent outfit either.

5. Jessica Simpson really wanted to go on an African safari but her boyfriend took her to Italy instead. Awww, darn Jess! 🙁

6. America’s Next Top Model: Tyra Banks.

7. She’s just being Miley, y’all!

images via peoplestylewatch.com, zimbio.com, thegloss.com and lovelyish.com

About the author

Elizabeth Mitchell

Born and raised in NC, Liz attended college at NYU before making the move to the City of Angels where she currently resides. She has an uncanny love for all things neon, prefers regular to diet and secretly wishes she were a hipster because it’d be ironic. Follow her on twitter at your own risk: @emitchell456

1 Comment

  • Pamela may be a mess, but I respect the hell out of Lady GaGa from an artistic standpoint, and think she looks amazing in these pics (I only say that cause I wore that same outfit on the left on the last trip I took)!