This giant prayer house in the Indonesian jungle is shaped like a chicken.
I have seen a lot of churches in my day, but never actually worshipped in one. Maybe it’s because nobody has created a church for the god that I worship yet; The Church of Browsing The Internet. I know for a fact though, that most churches aren’t shaped like poultry.
Created by an eccentric man named Daniel Alamsjah, the structure is located in the hills of Magelang, Central Java, based on a ‘vision from God’ that came to Alamsjah in the form of a dream.
READ MORE: Introducing The United Church of Bacon
The building was supposed to be shaped like a dove, but clearly doves look very different in Indonesia. Alamsjah was able to get the structure 70% complete, but couldn’t finish it because he ran out of funds. Now, the prayer house is open to all religions for worship, and is often used for unique destination weddings. The best part of it all is that Alamsjah was able to purchase the land for his chicken church for about $170 US American.
I have that much in my bank account right now. Perhaps I should erect my Church of Browsing The Internet right beside it?