Costco, the gigantic member-based warehouse store known for its bulk-quantity items at deeply-discounted prices, has just stocked shelves with a groundbreaking product– and it’s not something from the power tools section. We’re pretty sure this is just as exciting as the time we found out Amazon was selling 105-ounce tubs of Nutella.
While it doesn’t sell on Costco’s website, you can order it online from Target here.

Step forward edible brownie batter, the ultra-temptation for children and adults alike. This time, however, you need not lick it from the spoon or worry about salmonella poisoning. This dessert hummus is anything but the traditional chickpea spread found on the forgotten corners of snack tables and fridges and exists as a much more healthy option to traditional brownies. If you’re unclear on what hummus is, exactly, it’s made of chickpeas– the same stuff used in falafel. That means a lot of the health benefits of falafel probably carry over to this magical vegan brownie batter, too.
The Vegan Brownie Batter Basics
Not all heroes wear capes, and some seemingly wear chef’s hats; the nutritionists and creators behind this sweet treat have really pulled something off here, by balancing accurate taste with nutritional quality. One two-tablespoon serving contains just 80 calories and 4 grams of sugar, a mindful choice in comparison to something like gelato or rich cakes.
With the first ingredient being garbanzo beans, also known as chickpeas, this chocolatey hummus has an entirely different makeup than traditional batter, which is usually just a combination of raw eggs, flour, chocolate, and sugar. Right off the bat, this batter packs a more diet-friendly punch than standard brownies.

Of course, when enjoying this treat, moderation is critical to avoid squandering the benefits of this bean-based dessert. Due to the presence of coconut oil, overeating can turn this semi-healthy food sour, with saturated fats and sugars piling up.
To try and offset the unhealthy parts of the brownie batter, perhaps pair it with some fruit or crackers. Alternatively, if you’re feeling adventurous, wander outside your comfort zone to something like a crepe or a smoothie. Hey, you never know ‘til you know.
Brownie Batter’s Roots
Whether you’re brushing up on your brownie history, or are just trying to pay homage to your favorite dessert, understanding where the brownie originated is a great way to do so. Folklore differs from what is widely accepted in the brownie community today; this tale claims that a careless cook forgot to put baking powder in a chocolate cake, thus resulting in a flat, condensed brownie. You can imagine where the name came from.
Another form of the story regarding the birth of the brownie is that it popped up in a Sears’ magazine one day in 1897- that’s right! The modern brownie is over 120 years old and continues to be enjoyed generation after generation. Either way, it’s delish. Let’s eat it.
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