BEAUTY Cosmetics

Date Rape Lipgloss?!

Written by Bryce


I love lipgloss and I love protecting my chastity… if you feel the same way, you’ll need a new lipgloss called 2LoveMyLips.  It’s sold in British vending machines and will turn your lips bright blue if they’ve been tainted by a date rape drug.

Parents: ideal stocking stuffer makeup for your daughters!

Picture 26

Disclosure: All products were provided for review. No monetary compensation was received for this review. All opinions belong to the author.

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.


  • Ballsack Johnstone wishes he knew about this before hitting on that blue lip chick.

  • Hi there,
    There are a few bloggers discussing our new lip gloss and unfortunately they didn’t spend a second actually reading about it on the website

    There’s a user guide and loads of downloadable info on the background to the business, press releases and the Roofie Foundation, the UK’s only Drug Rape agency who have endorsed the product.

    Please note your lips don’t turn blue if you are spiked, we provide a simple taper that when you rub a dab of your drink on it, it changes colour if your drink has GHB or Ket in it. Read the guide for full details

    2LoveMyLips is getting rave reviews so if you are looking for a minty fresh, moisturising, non-sticky “wow” gloss look – check it out!

    Cheers to all – look great, feel confident and stay safe!

  • I have a few ideas that could help prevent this..

    1. Do some research on the person you’re going out with before you go out with them

    2. If they’re buying you a drink.. go to the bar with him, watch the bartender make the drink.. make the guy taste it.. if he doesn’t don’t drink it…

    3. Buy you’re own drinks…

    I think the golden rule of not taking candy from strangers should still be in effect…