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Diet, Exercise, and Jesus?

Written by Emily

You say you’ve tried everything to lose weight. What about God?!

Losing weight sucks. No matter how many diets and stupid crap we try (grapefruit diet anyone?) it always comes back to getting frustrated and maybe giving up. Well, what if you had someone else pushing you to keep going? Like Jesus!!! I mean, He always was looking pretty in shape in those pictures I saw. “Lord child are you ready for a workout with a purpose?!” – Donna Richardson Joyner, Inspirational Fitness Expert.

According to the Body Gospel, you can lose weight with Jesus by your side! According to one proud customer, you get “great meal plans and the Lord on your side. That’s the winning combo.” I wonder what He would say about the Shake Weight?

About the author


a native New Yorker with an enormous brain that's on a never-ending quest for high style, men with accents, and any place with a disco ball. Fastest way to her heart is a guy that loves sushi and knows the difference between "there," "their," and "they're."

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