Dr. Hauschka Tones My Body

Written by Alyssa

I hate the gym. I hate working out. Basically, I hate any sort of physical activity. That has recently changed since summer is approaching and I whipped out some of last year’s bathing suits and wanted to throw myself down the stairs after trying them on. I have gotten myself into a little work out routine and diet consisting of healthy foods (no more french fries for me šŸ™ ), but I still have some pesky cellulite on my backside that does NOT look nice in bathing suit, and I feel a bit jiggly all over. Not a pleasant feeling.

I know that cellulite can be reduced with physical activity and a healthy diet, but that doesn’t seem to be enough for me. Dr Hauschka’s Lemon Lemongrass Body Oil is something I have incorporated into my healthy living plan and it seems to be working!

Lemon Lemongrass Body Oil, $28.95

Lemon Lemongrass Body Oil, $28.95

Though it may seem a wee bit pricey, I would reccomend adding it to your cellulite reduction program. After showering, you rub this oil gently into your skin, sealing in moisture and preventing nasty dry skin! Not only does it moisturize, but the smell of lemons is fresh and is a little bit of a pick-me-up. I’m not sure if it’s the workouts or the oil, but the combination of both seems to be giving me a bathing-suit-friendly backside!

Your bum isn’t the only place on your body prone to cellulite. Your arms and legs can also have visible cellulite, and Dr. Hauschka has another product to the rescue! Dr. Hauschka’s Rosemary Leg and Arm Toner reduces visible cellulite and varicose veins.

Rosemary Leg and Arm Toner, $34.95

Also a bit on the pricier side but it is totally worth every penny. The Rosemary oil immediately warms your skin, so it is perfect to use before a workout. It gives you a little jumpstart and personally makes me workout a bit harder. If you’re not working out, it is perfect to get your legs going after sitting or standing for a long period of time. Planning a vacation? Rub this warming oil after sitting on the plane for a long time, it will make your legs immediately feel better, plus it fights cellulite. Can you ask for anything more?

About the author


an outgoing, freckle-faced Public Relations student born in CT but currently living in New York. She appreciates True Religion jeans, vodka, Sienna Miller's style and late nights out on the town. Current obsessions? The Feed the Animals album by Girl Talk and Marc Jacobs' Bruna Shoulder Bag.

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