Dreamy Backyard Cottages You’ll Want To Escape To

Go to your happy place!

As a writer, I’ve always fantasized about having my very own mini cottage tucked away in the depths of my currently non-existent backyard. I’d decorate it insanely gorgeous and forbid my future hubby and kids from ever coming in while I was busy at work creating genius (I mean, you know how I do…). Basically, it’d be my little getaway from the world. I could write, read, relax, take a nap or do whatever the heck my tiny heart desired in that cozy, inspirational setting. Hey, a girl can dream, right? If that dream were to come true one day though, here are a few cottages I definitely wouldn’t mind mine looking like:

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About the author

Elizabeth Mitchell

Born and raised in NC, Liz attended college at NYU before making the move to the City of Angels where she currently resides. She has an uncanny love for all things neon, prefers regular to diet and secretly wishes she were a hipster because it’d be ironic. Follow her on twitter at your own risk: @emitchell456

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