Free NYC: 10 Risky Things You Can Do Without a Penny

free things to do in new york
Written by Gary

New York City is more fun when it’s free.

free things to do in new york

I have always lived by the credo: If it’s free, it’s for me.

Everyone always shits on New York for being so expensive, and I’m not going to lie, they are absolutely right. The rent here is ridiculous, it costs a fortune to get anywhere, and the invitations to birthday dinners where you pay equally for everyone else’s cocktails are never ending. I will say however, that there is a lot of fun to be had in New York for free, if you aren’t afraid of thinking outside the box and/or possibly getting arrested. There are a lot of lists out there for free events, so if you are looking for that, try the Huffington Post. This list encompasses crazy, risky things you can do to enjoy the city without paying a penny. I should mention though, that The Luxury Spot neither recommends, nor condones any illegal activities, except of course, sodomy.

Climb a random fire escape to a random rooftop: I should tell you that I have some friends that got arrested for this, but the charges were dropped because the judge realized how stupid it was. Its still totally worth it on a random drunken night.

Visit Central Park at night and listen to gays have sex: If you are looking for a fun date night, grab a blanket, a bottle of wine, some cheese, and head to the Rambles in Central park at night during the summer. Then, relax to the soothing sounds of gay sex in the bushes. If nothing else, it’ll make a memorable night for you and your future ex husband.

Skip out on a cab fare: I would never normally condone this act, but sometimes you get a cab driver that is a total asshole. If you are going to do this, I suggest making sure you get dropped off on a one-way street and run in the opposite direction.

READ MORE: The Downside of Dating in New York

Go down on the subway tracks: I know they say never to do this, but as long as you stay away from the third rail (the one covered by a piece of wood) you will be fine. I know, because my best friend stood on that piece of wood and lived to tell the tale.

Ride between subway cars: Every person that moves to New York should do this at least once. If you are feeling especially risqué, take a whiz while you are out there. After all, what is the MTA if not one big giant series of urinals connected by tubes?

Get drunk on the free IKEA ferry: On weekends, the IKEA ferry is free, so it’s a nice relaxing boat ride especially since you can sit on top. Take a vodka-Vitamin Water with you to amp it up a bit.

Get drunk on Governor’s Island: Governor’s Island is probably the best place to go lay out and drink during the summer because it doesn’t feel like New York City. The ferry is free, and its covered in old abandoned buildings if you are a ‘drunk history’ fan.

Get drunk on Roosevelt Island: The best thing about Roosevelt Island is the scary tram that goes over the East River (for only the cost of a Subway fare, or the risk of jumping the turnstile). Once you arrive, bask in the strangeness of the abandoned buildings and hospitals, or lay out in the peace and quiet.

The fucking High Line- I know this is on every list out there, but you can’t have a “free NYC” post without mentioning the fucking high line. The bottom line is, it’s worth seeing, okay?

Get drunk at the Bronx Zoo– On Wednesdays, you can pay whatever you want to go to The Bronx Zoo, which to every New Yorker means it’s free. As someone who recently went there, I can tell you a few cocktails would have really made it something special.

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About the author


Gary is the gay guy that every girl wants to be, and every guy wants to be with (Mostly because he can't get pregnant). He is based in Manhattan, but loves traveling to exotic new people, and sleeping with interesting new places. He is an adventurous writer, digital artist, and game designer that will try almost anything if it makes a good story.
--Instagram: @garyadrianrandall --Twitter: @gadrianrandall

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