The Health Benefits of Bamboo Tea

Bamboo tea may be the new health craze tea, and here’s why.

Primarily native to Asia, the bamboo plant has been used for hundreds of years in Asian cooking and is continuously cited for its medicinal properties in traditional Chinese medicine. Its tea, which is comprised of crushed bamboo leaves, is a great way to sneak in bamboo’s benefits (also, because, you know — most of us don’t casually eat bamboo on a daily basis).

Here are five big health benefits of bamboo tea:

1. It’s loaded with Silica. Bamboo is primarily made up of silica, the compound responsible for building and repairing cells in our body. The more silica you have, the stronger your hair, nails, teeth, and bones will become. Silica also improves skin elasticity, so bamboo tea is pretty much an anti-aging, beauty super-tea!

2. It’s anti-inflammatory. You can never have too many anti-inflammatory foods in your diet, so why not incorporate bamboo leaf tea? Bamboo tea has been prescribed in Asia as a painkiller, and is also shown to heal wounds and ulcers.

3. It promotes detox. Looking for another way to promote healthy cleansing? Consider drinking bamboo tea. Bamboo is said to support the liver, which promotes the elimination of toxins. Bamboo tea has also been linked to weight loss, although these claims haven’t been verified, they could be some of the greatest health benefits of bamboo tea.

4. It lowers your blood pressure. Bamboo tea is incredibly rich in potassium, which helps maintain and lower your blood pressure.

5. It’s packed with antioxidants. Gotta love those antioxidants! Bamboo tea is chock full of ’em, which is why the plant has been linked to cancer prevention and treatment, as well as optimal heart health. The high antioxidant-count in bamboo tea also promotes beauty benefits, as mentioned above.

So, when are you going to get on that bamboo tea grind?

Bamboo tea can be found in some health food stores, although it is most commonly found in Asian grocery stores.



About the author


Rosetta is a Manhattan-born student currently living in Paris. She loves fashion, traveling, and all things kale. She's adopted the Parisian street style, yet stayed in-touch with her New York roots; she can be spotted wearing all black with a green color pop from holding her cold-pressed juice. Her religion is coconut oil and she's married to almond butter.