This is wrong. On many levels. I’ve heard of vodka infused gummi bears, watermelons, and grapes, but TAMPONS?!?! I’m serious. I’ve heard of this before, but have people actually tried this? Apparently teenagers are using this as a way to go undetected and be wasted. Have a tough day at work, but don’t want the boss finding that flask in your desk?! Just pop a vodka soaked tampon (it can also be inserted anally for you vaginally impaired) and relax.
This is being debated as an “urban myth,” but if you take into account the stupidity of teenagers (or a 26 year old?) and pure biology, I suppose it could work? Ashley sent me an article written by Lela Davidson about this and it is enlightening (and gross). Ahh youth. Apparently, it works by directly being absorbed by “the unprotected membranes of the vagina and anus would allow alcohol to enter the bloodstream faster than the acid protected gastrointestinal tract.” GROSS! Kids, seriously, don’t try this at home. Or at school. Or anywhere. Everyone will judge you for it, including me.
…….not even the words can describe how grossed out I feel
i’m not gonna lie..not sich a bad ides!