Written by Emily

If you’ve been around the past couple months, you’ve probably seen, or more likely heard, the new SunChips bag. It’s a bag that’s great for the environment because it’s biodegradable AND the chance of you buying it is less because you can hear it a mile away.  Who gives a crap about being green when you can’t even enjoy some delicious Harvest Cheddar SunChips without screaming at your friend? According to USA Today, enough people because Frito-Lay is pulling the obnoxious bags. It’s ironic they tried to help garbage pollution, but all they did was add to the noise pollution.

The company isn’t losing hope however says Aurora Gonzalez, a Frito-Lay spokesperson. “We are applying what we have learned from this first generation to get to the next generation of environmentally friendly packaging,” says Gonzalez. I hope one of the things they learned is to not make a bag that’s louder than being face to face with a screaming baby.

About the author


a native New Yorker with an enormous brain that's on a never-ending quest for high style, men with accents, and any place with a disco ball. Fastest way to her heart is a guy that loves sushi and knows the difference between "there," "their," and "they're."

1 Comment

  • Yeah they are loud but how about open them and pour them into a bowl. Problem solved for all the fat, lazy, couch potatoes who missed the dialogue from their porn. OOOOOH Baby save the environment so we can have a roll in real hay.

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