Kosher dog treats for your meshugenah mutt – human taste test!

Written by admin

When the box arrived from K9 Confections, I was a little confused. Elaborately frosted artisan cookies in festive Chanukah shapes, all in a pretty package with easter grass. Were it not for the pooch on the label, I might have eaten the whole thing.

The line between human and pet products is becoming increasingly blurry. On a recent visit to my parents’ house, I mistakenly used a bottle of dog shampoo on my hair throughout an entire long weekend. It worked great and smelled like mangoes. The only mention of canines on the sexy bottle was “perfect for all breeds” in the fine print.

K9 Confections is no exception. Their menorah treat looked too much like people food to resist, so The Luxury Spot staff decided to take a bite. Ingredients are an organic mix of rolled oats, organic oat flour, natural Valencia peanut butter, natural honey, safflower oil, organic golden flaxseed, and spring water. Good enough for us, and probably healthier than Chips Ahoy!

It really didn’t taste bad. It was a mildly sweet, dense cookie with a nutty aftertaste, not unlike a Clif Bar. Ashley thought it was edible, but could not embrace the idea of eating dog treats. Our intern Rie shrugged in bland acceptance.

But what about the dogs? Fortunately our new office mascot Chloe was on hand for a taste test. After passing owner Brian’s organic standards, Chloe quickly scarfed one down, and seemed to enjoy it. I asked her for a quote on the experience, but she only stared…

K9 Confections obviously puts a lot of care and effort into their product. Their treats are home baked, organic, and allergen free, and taste good enough that you can split one with your pet. If you’re willing to pay a little extra for wholesome ingredients and nice presentation, The Luxury Spot recommends K9 Confections.

Order online or find retailers at

About the author


Matt. He is a contemporary renaissance man, experienced in many disciplines. When not touring the world with rock band Liam and Me, he lives hermit crab-style in NYC, perusing the finest and foulest the city can provide. Matt appreciates jeans that fit well, good haircuts, technology, and blended whiskey. He can often be found at the ICG offices fixing broken electronics.


  • Just amazing – a long awaited product that not only is good for our four legged family member but pretty too!
    Its nice that someone locally (located in the USA) can produce a quality product that we do not have to worry about.

    Lets support that too!

    Lotsa luck to I will be a buyer soon

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