We rounded up the best lipsticks for luxury lovers because it’s time to upgrade your makeup case.
If you’re wondering what makes luxury lipsticks worth every last dollar when compared to the drugstore cheapies, well, it’s a hard science to pin down and totally varies brand to brand. The truth is not all brands are equal, and some luxury lipsticks are just as decent as the $5 ones you’d buy on your way to grab a pack of cheap gym socks, but not all — thankfully a lot of the prestige and boutique brands are going to extra lengths to differentiate their formulas. That means the lipstick you end up paying more for on a wear-by-wear basis is totally worth it for the way your lips look, feel, and wear. There’s something to be said for not reapplying every 5 minutes, right?
We crowd-sourced the best luxe lippie intel from real beauty editors, makeup hoarders, and industry-insiders to save you time.