My Hair Color: Italian Roast

Written by Bryce

Add a teaspoon of coffee for beautiful brown, bodacious locks!

My hair routine has to be really simple.  If it takes more than 10 minutes in the morning, I lose interest and blame my chronic beauty A.D.D. affliction.  So it’s understandable that I never color my hair.  Roots = time I just don’t have. So when a dear friend and stylist said “Girl, why don’t you just add a teaspoon of coffee to your shampoo? I’ll rev up your brown.” I was beyond thrilled.


That’s exactly what I need.  Just a little oomph!  I tried it a few ways.  I was adding a teaspoon of ground regular coffee to a small handful of shampoo (I have a LOT of hair), but it didn’t seem to have the right consistency. It did the trick for color, but it was gritty and I kept getting concerned that all the granules would be rinsed thoroughly. (If you’re continuing to read this it’s either because you’re a beauty junkie like myself or you’re just hoping for a pic of me in the shower.)

I found the perfect solution… Instant Starbucks VIA!  You’re probably wondering why it has to be Starbucks rather than Folgers… there’s really just 1 good reason.  The Starbucks variety comes in perfect little single serve packets that are easy to just leave in the shower for 1-time mixing.  They’re also perfect for throwing in your cosmetic case when you’re on the road (which I will do when I’m in Dallas later this month).  Starbucks VIA dissolves instantly, regardless of the liquid’s temperature.  That means you get your smooth, silky shampoo with amped up color!  My go-to is SexyHair’s Curly Sexy Hair– pictured below. Wanna get some yourself? Find out where it’s sold here.


So here’s how it goes:

  • put your normal shampoo in the palm of your hand
  • add a packet of Starbucks VIA
  • swirl it around with your finger so it’s well combined
  • shampoo, lathering for at least 60 seconds so the coffee has a chance to deposit pigment
  • condition as normal!

Disclosure: All products were provided for review. No monetary compensation was received for this review. All opinions belong to the author.

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.


  • i actually got a free packet of this….

    did you really put coffee i your hair though? how will it make my hair even more brown? i guess i may not get the point…

  • I am thinking of the smell as I just love the scent of good coffee and if I wasn’t a buttery blond I’d try this . Must pass this on to my brunette best friend