Nail Crave: Nail Polish Vending Machines

Okay, so there is always a controversy over whether schools should replace junk-food vending machines with healthy vending machines.  In my opinion, I think schools should get rid of food vending machines all together and replace them with nail polish vending machines!  Just some food for thought…

This machine is made by the brand “Nailmatic”, centered in Paris.  You can be walking down the streets shopping, and all of a sudden encounter what may be the greatest invention ever.  If I ever came into contact with one of these, not only would it be the greatest day of my life, but it would probably take me over an hour to decide which polish (out of the 63 different colors including top and base coat) to get.  Now Paris is not only one of the fashion capitals of the world, but it is home to this epic invention, and I can’t help but wonder why it has yet to make its way overseas.

But until then,

je t’aime Nailmatic

About the author


Jessica is a girly-girl who loves beauty, fashion, and all things pink. Her closet is a mashup of J. Crew and Forever21, and she loves capturing moments on her iPhone 5.