TweetEat right to be happy! They say “you are what you eat“, and it’s a lot truer...
Category - HEALTH
4 Reasons You Have an Itchy Nose
TweetHere’s why you have an itchy nose all the time. Do you ever find yourself scratching...
10 Reasons for Puffy Eyes in the Morning
TweetThis is why you have such puffy eyes ever morning. There are few things worse than waking up...
6 Poor Circulation Symptoms to Look For
TweetHere are the signs your blood isn’t flowing properly… There are a lot of things that can...
6 Reasons for Poor Circulation in Feet
TweetFind out why your feet aren’t getting enough blood! Poor circulation is a fairly common...
What is acesulfame potassium in my food?
TweetAnd is this sugar-free sweetener doing you harm? Acesulfame potassium—also known as or Ace-K...
Too Many Americans Taking Antidepressants
TweetThe numbers are a lot higher than you’d expect! Antidepressant medications come in , and...
3D MRI Technology: Now You Can See Your Child in the Womb!
TweetNew technology looks amazingly real… A team of researchers from Brazil have created a special...
Foot Pain After Pregnancy Could Be This
TweetIf you’re experiencing foot pain after pregnancy, it could be any one of these issues...
Why Groin Lymph Nodes Actually Play a Role in Your Health
TweetThose little groin lymph nodes are more important than you’d think (and may be the key...
The Lipedema Treatment Diet: Things You Should Be Eating and...
TweetYes, there’s a lipedema treatment diet. This is what you need to eat to help your...