Adult Health Family Health HEALTH Mom Health

No More Snot: The Easy Way I Kicked My Cold

Written by Bryce

There’s nothing luxurious about having a bad cold.  The past few days in NYC have been frigid, rainy, and downright bad for health.  It’s no wonder that I came down with a cold by Thursday and started to panic.  I CAN’T be sick.  I have events to attend, people to kiss-kiss, two companies to run, writing to do, and above all: a kid to take care of.  I ran to the local pharmacy and dropped about $40 on a cocktail of Sudafed, Tylenol Cold & Flu, echinacea, and vitamin C.  Then I realized: oh crap, I have some Functionalab Immune health drops… why not just use them?  So I did.


Functionalab’s blend of Zinc, B12, green tea concentrate, grape extract, white tea, oolong tea, and oodles of polyphenols come in a little dropper that’s only 1 calories of healthy snot-busting goodness.  Actually taking all those vitamins on their own, consuming TONS of tea, buying and then eating grapes, etc would be just way too much effort.  I took a dropper each day for 2 days, and I was seriously almost cold-free by the 3rd day.  That’s pretty good, because we all know that a bad cold can stick around for at least a week, easy.

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For $30 you’ll get this bottle which should last you a few months if you use it when you’re feeling a little weak… If you ask me, $30 to get through the winter season without sniffles every week is amazing.

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.

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