Meet Joleen Baughman. She’s a 39 year old mother of 2 from the great state of New Mexico. Sure, she looks normal, but Ms. Baughman has a condition she calls “unbearable” and “embarrassing.” After a car crash two years ago, Joleen was left with a condition known as “Restless Genital Syndrome” which occurs when the nerve in the pelvis that controls sexual desire has been damaged. While most women would think this might be a good thing (ohhai there bumpy road) Joleen says its debilitation ruining her daily life.
While she says in her interview that she “was really shocked because normally I have practically no sex drive at all,” the sex she does have still leaves her unsatisfied. Shoutout to her loving, and unfulfilling husband!! She added that “Brian [her husband] was ecstatic. He was like, ‘Wow for once in our marriage, she is the one who wants all the sex!'”
I wish I was friends with her because I imagine her to be really fun at parties or general public gatherings. Please let her life be like that of Tamara Parks played by Kristen Wiig. Please, please, please.