Now, you can get all romantically environmental with your Parisian picnic fantasy.
A Parisian man lines up to take one of the first fizzy water sips from the fizzy water fountain. Image via Reuters.
Due to a recent backlash of eco-doom critics focusing in on the Reuters article stating France to be the among the highest in water bottle consumption in 2009, Parisian city water company Eau de Paris decided to get down with the eco-friendly fountains of Italy, to dispense still & sparkling water to the public. In between Parisians intense consumption of red wine, fizzy water consumption will be provided by pipes that infuse the city’s tap water with carbon dioxide to give it some fizz, before cooling it to a pleasantly drinkable temperature. Très magnifique to accompany with a crêpe, no?
Do you think, as visioned, these fountains make bottled water in Paris obsolete?