Visit an old porcelain warehouse in Japan for a treasure hunt.
I am all for treasure hunts. I don’t know if its because I have a secret pirate fantasy, or if I just like riches and jewels, but there’s something I really love about having to go through a lot of shit to get something valuable.
The Kouraku Kiln is located in Arita, Japan, and offers daily treasure hunts for interested tourists. For $45, you can sort through 150 years of left over ceramic pieces that went unsold for one reason or another. The facility was founded in 1865, and has been collecting odds and ends since then. The warehouse is so big you have to ride a bicycle from one end to the other, so there’s no denying that its chock full of amazing inventory ripe for the picking.
READ MORE: A Legit Treasure Hunt in the Rocky Mountains
In order to go on this little adventure, you have to make a reservation (they only allow 10 people per day), then show up and pay about $45. They give you a tour of the place, and a basket. You then have 90 minutes to stuff as much shit in the basket as possible. There is also a pricier option, and for $90, you gain access to a special area with decoratively painted ceramics.
The best part of it all is that the staff is all English-speaking, so you don’t have to worry about language getting in the way of your treasure hunting dreams.
I don’t know about you, but I am definitely planning on visiting this china warehouse in Japan, immediately (get it? Its ironic, because you are buying china in Japan).