How Radical Feminism Can Create Peace in the Middle East

Written by Bryce

Radical feminism is possibly the only path to peace and prosperity in the tenuous Middle East.

Radical feminism is not bra-burning or leg-hair growing in my eyes. It’s an opportunity and a freedom to shape the world around us, and the option to pursue our own happiness as women without ropes tying us down to someone else’s ideals. With opportunity and freedom comes great responsibility, but how are we supposed to use it? Surely it can’t be an ego-driven pursuit of “me, me, me”– it must be used as a force of positive change. Change for ourselves, change for our families and friends, and change for the general betterment of the world we live in.

Women, biologically speaking, are better equipped to communicate. Our brains and bodies make us the ones who shape the energy while men physically manifest it– whether love, hate, freedom, oppression, whatever. That’s not to say women aren’t completely capable of wielding a hammer, engineering motorcycles, or being active military participants– it just means that on a very basic biology level our physiology gives us a significant edge in the communication department. I’ve never felt as strongly as I do now, in the midst of yet another Middle Eastern conflict, that the women of the world have a huge opportunity to speak. No weapons. Just words.

Our radical feminism needs to be a much harder battle than the sexualization of women, it needs to be a fight to encourage our men to live more positive lives. Radical feminism, rather, should be the constant reach for spreading positivity and encouragement to other women in an effort to lift BOTH men and women up. Can you imagine a world where women all knew it was their role to encourage  and partake in education, freedom of thought and expression, and even spirituality?  Where all of those things weren’t an option, but just the norm?

Women innately have the most intense and beautiful raw energy, and I think we’ve all seen the effects of a positive-thinking woman vs a women who spreads venom, hate, and jealousy. Our energy also has a very long and deep half-life. The energy we throw out today (kindness, love, jealousy, anger, resentment, etc) will live on tomorrow, the next day, and the day after that. Even if we’ve personally moved beyond our own negativity, the energy we left behind takes a significant amount of time to disintegrate and return to a neutral state. Think of the harshest words you’ve ever said– maybe to an ex lover, a friend who betrayed you, or a business associate. Do you think even years later that they’ve totally forgotten? Unlikely, but we all have the opportunity to do better for the future, and encourage the people around us to do exactly the same.

Change IS possible, miracles are possible, and I do believe it all starts with a commitment from the key-holders to the energy source, women. It is our job and moral responsibility to start first with our natural communication talent to spread positivity, awareness, education, and hope. If it is not you and me, who will it be?

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.

1 Comment

  • Who knew all you need to create peace
    in the middle east is a smile and a copy
    of ” The Secret”.