Smelling Pretty in Geisha Pink

Written by Stephanie

Who doesn’t like to smell pretty? I know some of my friends have their “signature” scent and that’s it but as for me I like to change my scents according to my moods. Well I found Aroma M a line that has a variety of perfumes. They don’t just smell pretty they also enchant the mind and soul to help promote daily stress and promote well being. The names are so easy to remember too,  Geisha Maroon, Geisha Green, Geisha Pink, etc. I have to say that my fav is Geisha Pink, a combination of sugared plum, fresh orange and vanilla. Not only is it the perfect scent when your feeling a little sassy but it also sweetens, re-charges, and speeds up your psyche!

And for that little something extra they come in the cutest packaging, little glass containers and decorated in patterned Yuzen papers, handcrafted in Kyoto. Adorable.

Disclosure: All products were provided for review. No monetary compensation was received for this review. All opinions belong to the author.

About the author


an ambitious and outgoing college student studying Public Relations, whose perfect night out is dining at a chic NYC restaurant then going out dancing with girlfriends. She loves Blake Lively’s style and her Lancôme Juicy Tube in “Tickled Pink”. What would she love to own? A Dolce&Gabbana dress and Jimmy Choo shoes.