Adult Health HEALTH

Is The Snooze Button Hurting You In The Long Run?

Written by corey

I have always had the worst time getting up in the morning. There’s something about getting my lazy ass out of bed in the morning that seems really difficult. I’ve done quite a few things to make this easier: for example, I’ve started dressing in a uniform to make getting ready easier and when I can, having sex in the morning also helps me perk up. But what if the issue is deeper? What if the real issue is that I choose to hit the snooze button every morning?

According to Robert Rosenberg, DO the snooze button is social jet lag. While the weekends allow you to sleep in, the pressures of work and responsibilities makes hitting the snooze button that much harder, even though we do it. As we hit the snooze button, it’s disturbing our sleep and making things harder on us, resulting in fragmented sleep and little to no sleep is better than fragmented sleep.

If you’re having a difficult time getting up in the morning it could be quite a few things. For one, it could be your body saying that you’re not getting enough sleep. Try heading to bed a half-hour earlier than usual and see if that helps any, at all. Make sure you’re also turning off an blue light emitting devices an hour before bedtime. These blue lights don’t allow for melatonin, a natural sleep hormone, to produce properly which drastically affects your sleep.

You could also try putting your alarm clock out of reach. I know for me, I keep my phone right near my bed, which just causes me to turn off my alarm every morning. This could be why I have an alarm set for every 15-minutes for an hour. Do you have a scheduled coffee maker? Set it to turn on 10-minutes before you wake-up and make sure it’s close enough to smell it. Or if you can set your thermostat on a timer, keeping your heat on for an hour before you’re awake should make getting up easier.

If you feel the need to hit the snooze button every-morning, then something is wrong. Dr. Rosenberg says, “hitting the snooze button is a poor substitute for sleep,” even if it does get you those few extra minutes.


About the author


Corey is a self-proclaimed heiress and the love child of Anne Boleyn and Marie Antoinette. He's a thug in a cocktail dress with a penchant for open-bars and puns. He has his barista's call him Beyonce and he's never been to Brooklyn.

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