Feeling stressed out and overworked? Do you worry that you are too connected to technology, and fantasize about unplugging? If so, you might consider checking yourself into jail in South Korea. Hear me out.
Ever since the movie Brokedown Palace, I have been deathly afraid of going to jail in Asia. I am not so much worried about the long work hours in the sweatshop as I am of the idea of an earwig making a home in my ear, but we all have our irrational fears, right? Prison Inside Me is a stress-reduction center in Hongcheon, South Korea that helps people connect with their inner selves by putting them in a prison-like atmosphere.
When you check into Prison Inside Me, you turn in your phone and clothes in favor of silent meditation and prison garb. The solitary cells consist of a table, a sink, and a toilet, and food is provided through a slot in the door. The facility offers different workshops such as private mediation classes, spiritual classes, and healing sessions, and the typical prison stay is 2 days.
Call me crazy, but I kind of think this is a genius idea. Aside from death or dismemberment it is really difficult to pry my phone from my hand, but I would love to check into a facility that forces me to unplug. Throw in a little prison rape and some sexy gang violence, and I am in.
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