Ready to say ba-bye to Brazilian Blowouts? The latest in “things you love that will probably give you cancer” news is the Hollywood-endorsed brand of hair straightening product, which has been under the watchful eye of the FDA for the last year, after health concerns were raised. Now, due to the controversy, more salons are yanking the treatment from their list of services.

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According to OSHA reports released last April, the mixture includes the capital F word of chemicals: formeldehyde (known carcinogen, dead person embalming agent). Despite an official letter to the company warning to ban the product from markets, Brazilian Blowouts has neglected to address the claims. Canada is the latest country to shelve the beauty potion, after France, Ireland, and others; and now, with the deadline for action passed without any word from the company, it seems the days of silk-spun salon hair will soon be over for us, too.
The FDA has not issued any formal statement on when or if they will enforce a ban, but there will likely be legal troubles for the brand, which explicitly packages the formula as “formaldehyde-free” despite analysis showing otherwise. Reports state the products contains as much of the chemical as the stuff used to preserve dead bodies in funeral homes. So if the actual exposure doesn’t make you vomit (other effects include eye and throat irritation and chest pains), that statement alone should.
Say what you will about the price of beauty, but I say this juice ain’t worth the squeeze. On the plus side, expect to see an explosion of green alternatives in salons, such as Zerran, a plant-based extract that lasts up to four months and costs about the same as the Brazilian. Though the level of frizz-erasing is apparently not as top-notch as the original BB.
One thing we can all get straight on: Every salon-loving lady needs to be wise in her search for the perfect blowout. Sylists are feeling the heat from this controversy, so they’re extra prepared to deal with your questions about their products’ safety.
In the immortal words of Ice Cube: “Check yourself, before you wreck yourself”.