This giant robot in Argentina makes people happy by changing emotions… and it’s neon.
The robot is aptly named Coloso, and his job is to make the people of Buenos Aires happy. Built in 2012 by an art collective called DOMA, Coloso was originally meant to be used for entry into a design event. The giant robot was made of a wire frame standing 150 feet tall, and basically just looks like a regular electricity pylon. At night however, the neon lights come on and give Buenos Aires a little light show, even going so far as to change emotions randomly. The quick personality changes lead me to believe this is a female robot, but, I don’t see any clear robotic genitals so I can’t say for sure.
Say what you will about giant neon robots (is there anything you can really say that hasn’t already been said?), but Coloso is just the type of touristy thing my Instagram needs. I wish the local authorities allowed patrons to climb Coloso and and give her (him? it?) a kiss and take a photo from the top, but ground-based photo ops will obviously have to suffice in the meantime.
I’m waiting for America to build a giant robot statue version of Rosie from the Jetsons, next.
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