No matter where you are in the world, the word whore pretty much means the same thing. Hooking is, after all, the oldest profession. Thus there are many reasons you should both know how to say, and understand the word whore in different languages.
If you are in Brazil, and want to hire someone bump uglies with for the low price of $13, you need to know what to ask for. If you are in Italy, and find yourself hanging out with a troupe of Euro-trash wearing nothing but gold lame and hair extensions, you need to know how to describe them. If you are in Russia and find yourself waiting in a hotel lobby, while a guy with too much chest hair chats with another guy in what looks like some kind of transaction, you need to know if you are being sold into sex slavery. And if you are in America, and drunk with your girlfriends, you need to know how to address them so they will understand. There are plenty of reasons to use the word whore, and I haven’t even scratched the surface. Thus, here are 10 different ways to say the word whore, in a few different native tongues:
Puta (Spanish)
Prostituta (Italian)
売春婦 (Japanese)
Putain (French)
Whore (Dutch)
Whore (Swedish)
шлюха (Russian)
Dirne (German)
Meretriz (Portugese)
Amber (Floridian)
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dutch = hoer