Travel Spotting: Top Ten Cities For Hotties

Vital information for the frequent traveler.

Thanks to Total Beauty and hella research, you can now plan your vacations based on what really matters: hot dudes, duh. Taking into consideration such lifestyle factors as boozing and smoking in conjunction with stats on health, income, education and weight, researchers were able to determine where all the sexy boys have been hiding out. Hmm, who knew Bethesda, Maryland was such a hotbed for hotties? Or that all the beautiful peeps live in Cali, Colorado and Utah? Check out the top ten hottest guy cities below:

10. Los Angeles, CA: Financially fit, healthy dudes with bangin bods and lots of mula.

9. Salt Lake City, UT: Educated Mormons who like to get their freak on…a lot. Also non-smokers.

8. Provo, UT: Good boys with bachelor degrees who don’t smoke or drink.

7. Denver, COLO: The most sexually active crop of cuties in the country. Good jobs and in great health.

6. Bridgeport, CONN: Smart, sexy boys who watch what they eat and don’t like nicotine. Rich too.

5. San Francisco, CA: Beauty, brains, health and wealth—San Fran guys really do have it all.

4. Fort Collins, COLO: Intelligent, physically fit and not big on boozing or cigarettes.

3. Cambridge, MASS: Highly educated, affluent Harvard hotties who enjoy a good romp every so often.

2. Boulder, COLO: The smartest dudes ever (or just in the US).

1. Bethesda, MD: Big bank accounts. Hot bods. High IQs. And zero vices. Bethesda, Maryland boys are quite the catch, apparently.

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About the author

Elizabeth Mitchell

Born and raised in NC, Liz attended college at NYU before making the move to the City of Angels where she currently resides. She has an uncanny love for all things neon, prefers regular to diet and secretly wishes she were a hipster because it’d be ironic. Follow her on twitter at your own risk: @emitchell456