Travel Spotting: Tour the Human Body (Inside)

Written by Tanner

Get the inside scoop on what’s really happening in your body…

Do you remember that cartoon from the 90’s “The Magic School Bus” where a zany school teacher would trick kids’ parents into allowing their unsuspecting children to take “field trips” aboard the magic school bus, which every week would shrink to a size so small that they could take tours inside a human body?! I sure do, and I remember feeling so disappointed every time I went on a field trip, and instead of taking a cool tour up some kid’s nose we would end up at some lame museum with art I didn’t understand or ancient bones I couldn’t appreciate. Well, leave it to the Dutch to come up with a 115 foot tall replica of the human body, called the Corpus Science Museum, to allow kids of all ages to get an anatomy lesson from the inside!

You enter the museum through an “open sore” on the giant victim’s leg on an escalator and end up at the end of the tour in the pulsing neurons of the brain. In between, you can witness cheese being digested in the intestines and see ventricles hard at work at the heart. Wee ones are welcome to bounce on the rubber tongue while you take in various scents lingering through a gigando nose. But before you depart (don’t ask me where you exit, too embarrassed), don’t miss out on the 3D hologram of sperm fertilizing an egg!

Creators of the Corpus hope visitors will leave their museum feeling inspired to live healthier lives. I can’t guarantee a trip to this crazy Dutch museum will help you lose 15 pounds, but it’s pretty much a given that you will never view the human body in the same way again.

Dank u wel spotcoolstuff for the great photos!

About the author


Tanner is a cool cat from Alaska who left the arctic in search of the hot fashion scene in NYC. He stays hydrated in the heat drinking coconut flavored anything and warm in the cold by cocooning himself in layers of his hand knit scarves. His current obsession? Mixing his drink with equal parts of Diet Sierra Mist and the Dolly Parton station on Pandora

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