There’s going to be an underwater city in Japan built totally from scratch.
Admit it, ever since you saw The Little Mermaid you have wanted to live under the sea. You shouldn’t be ashamed, because every little girl and gay that was born after 1980 feels the same way. Luckily, Asia has decided to indulge us, and has unveiled designs for the world’s first underwater city in Japan.
Slated for construction as early as 2035, the city is a massive, spherical structure is more than 4 football fields long, and will feature electricity two miles into the ocean. There are spaces for businesses, hotels, and homes for up to 5,000 people.
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Called “The Ocean Spiral”, the structure is meant to combat rising sea levels which I guess is a big concern for everyone, Japanese or otherwise.
I’m not sure that I would ever want to live under the ocean full time, but I would definitely be into a vacation in this city. If they find a way to throw some mermaids into the equation though, I am totally down.