Weather Forecasts, For Your Hair

Written by Bryce

If you’re the kind of gal who just wants to know how the weather will influence your hair and fashion routines, hark!, there’s this:

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve woken up to hear the weather forecast and thought “no, no, no… I don’t care about partial cloud cover, I need to know if your meteorology has anything to say about which conditioner to use today or if I’ll need an extra few drops of argan oil or not.” And then boom, some genius at was probably like “let’s get real– the difference between 80 and 82 degrees is meaningless on a summer day, but the humidity difference can literally change lives.”

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That’s some realness, because how many times have we all be in a weird humid situation that should’ve been awesome (read: best friend’s BBQ) and an opportunity to meet a soulmate, but our frizzy, wild hair just got in the way of our potential for true love? Even worse, think of all the girls who have dished out $400 for the best highlights, only to have them fried senselessly on an unexpectedly high UV day? Le sigh.

If you’re in need of sorting out all your hair woes via weather (who isn’t?), I suggest hopping over to the Haircast page (yes, it’s really called that). Get your Haircast here.

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.

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