Adult Health HEALTH

What’s Your Style of Yoga?

Written by andy

Yoga is for everyone! Whether you’re someone that wants to get in shape, wants to keep your curves looking good, or even wants to get exercise with your pet, Yoga is a workout that will work.

Studies have proven that Yoga is beneficial in many ways, so it’s definitely a good idea to consider it if you’re sick and tired of those spinning classes, Tae-bo lessons, or running endlessly on the treadmill.

But what’s the best type of Yoga to consider? Here’s a look at a few of the more popular forms of Yoga, with a quick explanation to help you choose the best form of Yoga for you.

Ashtanga Yoga

If you like structure and routine, this is the form of Yoga for you. It’s great for weight loss, and you’ll find that it’s going to push your heart and lungs effectively. You can build strength without needing to pump iron, and you’ll feel young and athletic thanks to the poses used. You’ll move from pose to pose quickly, but you’ll only follow one of six sequences. It’s one of the most popular types of Yoga, and for good reason!

Bikram Yoga

Also known as “hot Yoga”, this is ideal for those who like feeling like a Thanksgiving turkey. I jest, but you do exercise in a room heated to over 100 F. You flow through 26 different poses, all the while sweating buckets. It’s pretty great for losing weight, and it will help you to burn stamina thanks to the high heat and humidity. If you can survive one class, you’ll be hooked!

Hatha Yoga

This is one of the original types of Yoga, and it’s one of the best for those who just need a break. The poses are very relaxing, and nowhere near as strenuous as with Ashtanga Yoga. You can go slow, focus on your breathing, and really get into the peaceful mood of each session. When you walk out of there, you’ll be so much happier – and yet you’ll have gotten a good workout too!

Iyengar Yoga

This type of Yoga uses props to help you stretch and twist properly. You use straps to stretch your legs, blocks to support your stretches, and even incline boards to make certain twists easier. This form of Yoga is all about working out your entire body one muscle at a time, and it’s a beautifully basic form of Yoga to take up if you’ve never been to a Yoga class in your life. For the detail-oriented people that want to get those poses just right, it’s the Yoga of choice for you.

Kundalini Yoga

If you want to improve your coordination, balance, and fluidity of motion, you’ll find Kundalini is your best option. You’ll end up breathing quickly as you move through the poses, and it will release a lot of the energy that you have trapped in your body after a long, stressful day at the office. There’s a lot of emphasis placed on mindfulness and meditation, so get ready for a spiritual workout as well as a physical one.


For those needing personalized training, Viniyoga will meet any need. It’s a practice focused on helping you improve your physical condition according to your specific body, so you adopt poses, stretches, and stances that will get you strong and flexible. It’s ideal if you like one-on-one sessions, and you’ll have a tailor-made session that’s just for you. This is highly recommended for anyone with back pain, joint problems, or who are going through physical rehab.

And, if you’re still on the hunt, you can check of these 5 types of weird yoga.


About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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